
Core data_node module, contains the abstract DataNode class.

DataNode objects represent a single data source on an existing data pipeline where we execute the desired validations.

This modules provides the DataNode abstract constructor. Designed to be inherited by other classes for building more specific data sources, it must not be instantiated directly.

Location: pipeline_penguin/core/data_node/

Example usage:

class DataNodeBigQuery(DataNode):
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        # Code for initializing the BigQuery Connector.
        # ...

    def to_serializeble_dict(self):
        # ...
        # Code for summarizing the DataNode as a dictionary
        # ...
        return {}
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"""Core data_node module, contains the abstract `DataNode` class.

DataNode objects represent a single data source on an existing data pipeline where we execute
the desired validations.

This modules provides the `DataNode` abstract constructor. Designed to be inherited by other
classes for building more specific data sources, it must not be instantiated directly.

Location: pipeline_penguin/core/data_node/

Example usage:

class DataNodeBigQuery(DataNode):
    def __init__(self):
        # ...
        # Code for initializing the BigQuery Connector.
        # ...

    def to_serializeble_dict(self):
        # ...
        # Code for summarizing the DataNode as a dictionary
        # ...
        return {}
from pipeline_penguin.core.connector.connector import Connector
from pipeline_penguin.core.premise_output.output_manager import OutputManager
from pipeline_penguin.core.data_premise import DataPremise
from pipeline_penguin.exceptions import WrongTypeReference

import inspect
from typing import Dict, Type, Any

class DataNode:
    """Abstract parent constructor for building other DataNode classes.

    DataNode objects represent a single data source on an existing data pipeline where we execute
    the desired validations.

        name: Reference name of this DataNode
        source: Type of data source
        premises: Dictionary storing data_premises registered on this DataNode.
        supported_premise_types: Array of premise types allowed to be registered on the DataNode.
        connectors: Custom data Connectors to be used while extracting data for this specific
                    DataNode (In contrast to the Default Connectors used by the ConnectorManager)

    def __init__(self, name: str, source: str):
        self.name = name
        self.source = source
        self.premises: Dict[str, Type[DataPremise]] = {}
        self.supported_premise_types = []
        self.connectors = {}

    def _is_data_premise_subclass(premise_factory: Any) -> bool:
        """Return whether the given constructor class is DataPremise subclass or not.

            premise_factory: Any object to be validated.
        return (
            premise_factory != DataPremise
            and inspect.isclass(premise_factory)
            and issubclass(premise_factory, DataPremise)

    def insert_premise(
        self, name: str, premise_factory: Type[DataPremise], *args, **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        """Insert a Data Premise on the DataNode.

            name: name of the premise
            premise_factory: The __class constructor__ to be used in premise creation. Not to be
                             mistaken by an previously instantiated DataPremise class
            *args, **kwargs: Arguments passed down to the given constructor
            WrongTypeReference: If the given constructor is not a subclass of DataPremise or is of
                                an unsupported type
        if not self._is_data_premise_subclass(premise_factory):
            raise WrongTypeReference(
                "premise_factory param should be subclass of DataPremise"
        premise = premise_factory(name, self, *args, **kwargs)

        if not premise.type in self.supported_premise_types:
            raise WrongTypeReference(
                f"{premise} should be of a supported premise type.\nSupported Types: {self.supported_premise_types}"

        self.premises.update({premise.name: premise})

    def remove_premise(self, name: str) -> None:
        """Remove an previously inserted DataPremise given its name.

            name: name of the premise to be removed
        del self.premises[name]

    def get_connector(self, premise_type: str) -> Connector:
        """Abstract method for retrieving the Connector to be used while querying data from this

        If there's no corresponding Connector inside the internal `connectors` attribute, we must
        look for one from the ConnectorManager.

            premise_type (str): Type of Premise for identifying the Connector.

            Connector: Connector retrieved.

    def run_premises(self) -> OutputManager:
        """Run every DataPremise validation for this DataNode, printing their validation status and
        saving them on a Dictionary.

            A `dictionary` object consolidating all validations executed.
        output_mgr = OutputManager()

        for premise_name, premise in self.premises.items():
            premise_output = premise.validate()
            output_mgr.outputs.update({premise_name: premise_output})
                f"{self.name} - {premise_name}: \
                  {'Passed' if premise_output.pass_validation else 'Failed'}"

        return output_mgr

    def to_serializeble_dict(self) -> Dict:
        """Method for constructing a dictionary representation of the current DataNode using
        only built-in data types.

            A `dictionary` object containing the DataNode representation.
        return {}
#   class DataNode:
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class DataNode:
    """Abstract parent constructor for building other DataNode classes.

    DataNode objects represent a single data source on an existing data pipeline where we execute
    the desired validations.

        name: Reference name of this DataNode
        source: Type of data source
        premises: Dictionary storing data_premises registered on this DataNode.
        supported_premise_types: Array of premise types allowed to be registered on the DataNode.
        connectors: Custom data Connectors to be used while extracting data for this specific
                    DataNode (In contrast to the Default Connectors used by the ConnectorManager)

    def __init__(self, name: str, source: str):
        self.name = name
        self.source = source
        self.premises: Dict[str, Type[DataPremise]] = {}
        self.supported_premise_types = []
        self.connectors = {}

    def _is_data_premise_subclass(premise_factory: Any) -> bool:
        """Return whether the given constructor class is DataPremise subclass or not.

            premise_factory: Any object to be validated.
        return (
            premise_factory != DataPremise
            and inspect.isclass(premise_factory)
            and issubclass(premise_factory, DataPremise)

    def insert_premise(
        self, name: str, premise_factory: Type[DataPremise], *args, **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        """Insert a Data Premise on the DataNode.

            name: name of the premise
            premise_factory: The __class constructor__ to be used in premise creation. Not to be
                             mistaken by an previously instantiated DataPremise class
            *args, **kwargs: Arguments passed down to the given constructor
            WrongTypeReference: If the given constructor is not a subclass of DataPremise or is of
                                an unsupported type
        if not self._is_data_premise_subclass(premise_factory):
            raise WrongTypeReference(
                "premise_factory param should be subclass of DataPremise"
        premise = premise_factory(name, self, *args, **kwargs)

        if not premise.type in self.supported_premise_types:
            raise WrongTypeReference(
                f"{premise} should be of a supported premise type.\nSupported Types: {self.supported_premise_types}"

        self.premises.update({premise.name: premise})

    def remove_premise(self, name: str) -> None:
        """Remove an previously inserted DataPremise given its name.

            name: name of the premise to be removed
        del self.premises[name]

    def get_connector(self, premise_type: str) -> Connector:
        """Abstract method for retrieving the Connector to be used while querying data from this

        If there's no corresponding Connector inside the internal `connectors` attribute, we must
        look for one from the ConnectorManager.

            premise_type (str): Type of Premise for identifying the Connector.

            Connector: Connector retrieved.

    def run_premises(self) -> OutputManager:
        """Run every DataPremise validation for this DataNode, printing their validation status and
        saving them on a Dictionary.

            A `dictionary` object consolidating all validations executed.
        output_mgr = OutputManager()

        for premise_name, premise in self.premises.items():
            premise_output = premise.validate()
            output_mgr.outputs.update({premise_name: premise_output})
                f"{self.name} - {premise_name}: \
                  {'Passed' if premise_output.pass_validation else 'Failed'}"

        return output_mgr

    def to_serializeble_dict(self) -> Dict:
        """Method for constructing a dictionary representation of the current DataNode using
        only built-in data types.

            A `dictionary` object containing the DataNode representation.
        return {}

Abstract parent constructor for building other DataNode classes.

DataNode objects represent a single data source on an existing data pipeline where we execute the desired validations.

Args: name: Reference name of this DataNode source: Type of data source Attributes: premises: Dictionary storing data_premises registered on this DataNode. supported_premise_types: Array of premise types allowed to be registered on the DataNode. connectors: Custom data Connectors to be used while extracting data for this specific DataNode (In contrast to the Default Connectors used by the ConnectorManager)

#   DataNode(name: str, source: str)
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    def __init__(self, name: str, source: str):
        self.name = name
        self.source = source
        self.premises: Dict[str, Type[DataPremise]] = {}
        self.supported_premise_types = []
        self.connectors = {}
#   def insert_premise( self, name: str, premise_factory: Type[pipeline_penguin.core.data_premise.data_premise.DataPremise], *args, **kwargs ) -> None:
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    def insert_premise(
        self, name: str, premise_factory: Type[DataPremise], *args, **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        """Insert a Data Premise on the DataNode.

            name: name of the premise
            premise_factory: The __class constructor__ to be used in premise creation. Not to be
                             mistaken by an previously instantiated DataPremise class
            *args, **kwargs: Arguments passed down to the given constructor
            WrongTypeReference: If the given constructor is not a subclass of DataPremise or is of
                                an unsupported type
        if not self._is_data_premise_subclass(premise_factory):
            raise WrongTypeReference(
                "premise_factory param should be subclass of DataPremise"
        premise = premise_factory(name, self, *args, **kwargs)

        if not premise.type in self.supported_premise_types:
            raise WrongTypeReference(
                f"{premise} should be of a supported premise type.\nSupported Types: {self.supported_premise_types}"

        self.premises.update({premise.name: premise})

Insert a Data Premise on the DataNode.

Args: name: name of the premise premise_factory: The __class constructor__ to be used in premise creation. Not to be mistaken by an previously instantiated DataPremise class args, *kwargs: Arguments passed down to the given constructor Raises: WrongTypeReference: If the given constructor is not a subclass of DataPremise or is of an unsupported type

#   def remove_premise(self, name: str) -> None:
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    def remove_premise(self, name: str) -> None:
        """Remove an previously inserted DataPremise given its name.

            name: name of the premise to be removed
        del self.premises[name]

Remove an previously inserted DataPremise given its name.

Args: name: name of the premise to be removed

#   def get_connector( self, premise_type: str ) -> pipeline_penguin.core.connector.connector.Connector:
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    def get_connector(self, premise_type: str) -> Connector:
        """Abstract method for retrieving the Connector to be used while querying data from this

        If there's no corresponding Connector inside the internal `connectors` attribute, we must
        look for one from the ConnectorManager.

            premise_type (str): Type of Premise for identifying the Connector.

            Connector: Connector retrieved.

Abstract method for retrieving the Connector to be used while querying data from this DataNode.

If there's no corresponding Connector inside the internal connectors attribute, we must look for one from the ConnectorManager.

Args: premise_type (str): Type of Premise for identifying the Connector.

Returns: Connector: Connector retrieved.

View Source
    def run_premises(self) -> OutputManager:
        """Run every DataPremise validation for this DataNode, printing their validation status and
        saving them on a Dictionary.

            A `dictionary` object consolidating all validations executed.
        output_mgr = OutputManager()

        for premise_name, premise in self.premises.items():
            premise_output = premise.validate()
            output_mgr.outputs.update({premise_name: premise_output})
                f"{self.name} - {premise_name}: \
                  {'Passed' if premise_output.pass_validation else 'Failed'}"

        return output_mgr

Run every DataPremise validation for this DataNode, printing their validation status and saving them on a Dictionary.

Returns: A dictionary object consolidating all validations executed.

#   def to_serializeble_dict(self) -> Dict:
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    def to_serializeble_dict(self) -> Dict:
        """Method for constructing a dictionary representation of the current DataNode using
        only built-in data types.

            A `dictionary` object containing the DataNode representation.
        return {}

Method for constructing a dictionary representation of the current DataNode using only built-in data types.

Returns: A dictionary object containing the DataNode representation.